Welcome To
Nalini Achal Website

I have walked a long way in life from someone who can’t even write an article to an author, and an editor since 2011.
Other than what I have written about me in the books, I have nothing more to add. I hope my books will speak for me, and am waiting to hear from you all who read my books, and Odes.
My Books Available For Purchase
This Book below is Complementary for people who buy the above two books on Raja Raja Chozhan
God is not somewhere out there Book's Reviews
“When I first agreed to editing your book ’God is not somewhere out there’, I had no idea what the book is going to be all about. Let me confess that I knew very little about Baba until then, nor have I ever visited Puttaparthi, but your varied experiences, both at home and at Puttaparthi, have thrown much new light. I can see that you are a great believer in Baba as a person, and as a divine being who can work miracles, and bring solace to countless people”.
Late. Sri Achal Narayanan
Retired Senior Editor of Information Services in the British High Commission in New Delhi.“I got the opportunity to edit this book ’God is not somewhere out there’. After editing this book my perceptions towards religion, God, Karma, and meditation have totally changed. It is not a mere book, but is an eye opener. Having studied masters in Zoology, I used to think only about structure, and functioning of body. I could know the relation between spiritual thoughts, and our existence only during editing this book. It has changed my perception on life. Now I believe in Supreme God, and the importance of our Karmas”.
Mrs. Sudha Vaswani
Writes at herbisaurus.com to create awareness and importance of plants in modern living.“I have read through the preface. It is beautifully written. Simple language that is easy to follow, yet very powerful. And I love the flow. After reading it, I am even more eager to read the entire book. Please do inform me as soon as it gets published.” “You describe how you felt incapable of writing this book and how Swami’s Grace has made it happen. It is the same feeling that I had when ‘Sai Thy Kingdom Come’ was being written. So, I can certainly relate to your experience. It’s all His Leela, His work! You should be proud that Swami chose you as His instrument to bring out this book”.
Sreejith Narayan
Author of the book "Sai Thy Kingdom Come"Swami's Books
From the Eternal One
₹100.00“From the Eternal One” beautifully illustrates the omnipresence, and omniscience of the great Master. It is a testimonial to the fact that He continues to communicate with His chosen ones. The book provides a blissful experience to the reader, and strengthens the inherent faith in Him”.
Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai
₹100.00Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi, has been revealing His presence, and still continuing, in the small pooja place of mine since 2007. Swami began with the sudden materialization of three fresh red Hibiscus flowers on 4th February, 2007. After I started to connect them to Swami without a second thought, Bhagwan helped me to recognize His presence behind even more stunning miracles not only inside our house, but literally, in anything and anywhere.
My Odes
Among the many Odes I have written, these three have deeply touched my heart. I hope if you too feel the same way as I do, please spread the message around.
Ode -3
My prayer to all
For the children of this world.
The two Odes I wrote
With feelings so intense
From the bottom of my heart
For the children of this world
Got high acclaim, with thumbs up emojis,
Exclamations saying
‘ very well written ‘, and
Adorned with words like beautiful, And excellent.
Did I write for these praise
I ask myself, but
I think not
So, a silent prayer again,
But this time to you all
To join me For the sake of all children of God
Who, for no fault of theirs
are left untended
By parents who can’t afford
A few pieces of bread, milk, clothes, or shelter.
So, what do we do?
How can we help?
Without giving a thumbs-up for
My Odes, or say ‘written very well’, or Beautiful Odes, Please pass-on these Odes,
As one gentleman said,
Till they knock on the doors of
The United Nations
And Make them their official Odes To spread humanity
Till no child go to sleep
Without food, clothes, or shelter.
Nalini Achal Padmanabhan
14th March, 2024.
My Odes Reviews
Ode-1: Nalini mam, Truly an emotional masterpiece
Ode-2: Ode of the era
"Children in War torn counties", no food, torn clother, malnutrition, a country to call their own. Some powerful and emotional words
I wish United Nations, WHO use this as their offical ode to spread humanity
Really liked both the Odes, and I have recorded the same on YouTube. The words are so moving-specially in the second Ode. The visuals are beautiful, and the font very pleasant. The voiceover is very dignified, and I liked it better in the second poem than the first as the pace in the latter was gentler
Beautifully written by you aunty!! Really touched, and moved by the words. Varsha’s voice added even more beauty to the poem!
So V
Amazing, and heart touching.. so peaceful to watch. Looking forward to see more such work! Keep going
Nalini’s both the Odes are excellent. She should be very proud of herself. In my opinion the poets are talented, gifted, and blessed people. She is one of them. Being able to write such good poems is a gift of God
John, Toronto
Very nice, and touching. You have become a real poet. Keep it up
What a noble thought…. – Oh …. Wowwww…… beautiful by all means
Sam 1004
These lines, written during the difficult times of Covid19, are lovely Odes to the children of the world. The lines touch one’s heartstrings.
Very well written
Both are really terrific, they turned out great!!!
Very good
My vote is to Ode-2
It is wonderful aunty…. So thoughtful
Lovely Odes
Really nice!!
It is really awesome!!
Very well written
Beautiful Chitti
Aruj – Australia
Very nicely composed!
Lovely poems, and videos aunty!
Anush, Australia
That’s amazing!!!
Krishh- Udaipur
Beautifully written, and well spoken! Congratulations!